Friday, September 12, 2008

Your X-Month-Old: Week Y

Do you get these updates on your child? For me, they arrive via email and I am finding them increasingly alarming.

My how many month-old?! You must be mistaken!! When did THAT happen to MY little baby?!

Honestly, every week seems a bit too often to be reminded just how quickly my little baby is growing up. It's nearly as unnerving as facing my own annual milestone.

I admit it, there are occasional moments when I fantasize about turning the clock forward, but most often, I realize how precious each week is in a life just beginning and I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything else in the world.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Just had to let you know how I have enjoyed your blog over these past few months. I should have posted before, but with creating our own blog, our referral (yay!!) and such, time slipped away.
Island Boy is an absolute doll and I completey understand your feelings in this latest post. Aspects of Mommy-hood can be bittersweet. Fortunately the "sweet" far outweighs the other! :)
Hava a great day & thanks for letting me peek from time to time!
Lisa C.