Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mommy Brain

I had heard of "Mommy Brain" before and figured it had something to do with post-delivery hormones. Apparently, it is not hormone related and I have a very bad case of it!

What is Mommy Brain? It is a condition brought on by the onset of children. It impacts a mother's ability to hear anything as her ears become finely tuned and specialized to hear only the cry of a baby (or to tune it and everything else out when absolutely necessary for survival). It is destructive to both short and long-term memory as all of her brain's processing power is dedicated instead to the particulars of creating a safe, nurturing, yet stimulating environment for a developing child to thrive in. It also severely limits a mother's speech as it becomes impossible for her to complete any single thought, let alone articulate it.

In short, you know you have "Mommy Brain" if you cannot complete a...now what was I saying??


shelley said...

Mommy brain also make you have the ability(?)to put the keys in the freezer and take the frozen pork chops to the car. Welcome to parenthood.

JackieMacD said...

And walk out to the car on the house phone thinking it's your cell. Welcome! It's nice to have another victim, uh, I mean, member. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to copy my husband and my older kids on this post. They have a hard time understanding "mommy brain" but it is a real phenomenon! Thanks for making me laugh today.

Sherry said...

LOL! I so have a huge case of the "Mommy-brain"! Today I was puching numbers on my calculator but really trying to phone a friend! I've cracked...I dont know what made me think the calculator was my phone... must be the "mommy-brain"! LOL! LOL!

L. P. said...

LOL! You said it. Mommy brain also incidentally makes me think every crying baby is my own and run to check up on her when I hear it...